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ALS Evening Reading Group

Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Time: 7:30 pm

Place: Muntaner 213, Barcelona

We are re-introducing our Evening Reading Group with a classic story written by F. Antsey entitled “Marjory”. This story is written in and about another time, but it makes us ponder the eternal question: ‘How long does friendship last?’ Please join Marie in El Velódromo and share your thoughts!! The cost of this activity is 6€. REGISTRATION IS A MUST, so that we can send you a copy of the story in advance. If we do not have a minimum number of people the activity will not take place. For further information and to register please contact us through our ‘contact us’ form on our web page or by phone at 656 388 721. They embraced and parted. They never saw each other again

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